If you’re like a lot of people, you’ve been at it for a while and not seeing much results. You’re working out hard, you’re eating right, but you’re stuck, and barely any more weight is coming off now. So, I wanted to share a trick that I use for myself and others to lose the weight and keep it off.
You may have heard that eating the bulk of your calories in the daytime will help you burn more fat than eating them in the evening. But did you know that you can burn up to 50% more??? That’s insane!
Calories eaten in the morning are less fattening than the same calories eaten in the evening!
This is due to diet-induced thermogenesis. That’s the amount of energy (calories) the body uses up to digest and process a meal. And, it all has to do with chronobiology and how our circadian rhythm utilizes blood sugar more efficiently in the mornings.
So what to do?
Follow the King, Prince, Pauper method of eating:
Eat your biggest meal of the day in the morning for breakfast (king).
Eat a regular size meal for lunch (prince).
Eat a small meal or snack for dinner (pauper).
A good method is to eat 50% of your calories for breakfast (and mid morning snack), eat 30% for lunch and 20% of calories for dinner. For example: if you normally eat a 1500 calorie diet per day, eat 750 calories between breakfast and a mid morning snack. Eat 450 calories for lunch, and eat 300 calories for dinner.
Here are a couple of other helpful tips:
Make sure dinner is completed by 7:00pm (earlier is even better).
Try not to eat carbs and fat in the same meal (especially for dinner).
Eat a healthful diet (eating junk food will not help you lose weight regardless of what diet you try).
NOTE: this method of eating is simple, but it's not easy. It may take some getting used to, especially if you normally eat a big meal when you get home at night after work. If you find yourself struggling, just keep trying to eat this way until it becomes a habit.
Let me know how it goes and if you have any questions hit me up. Good Luck!
Below are some studies regarding this method of eating:
Morning meal more efficient for fat loss in a 3-month lifestyle intervention:
High caloric intake at breakfast vs. dinner differentially influences weight loss of overweight and obese women:
And here’s a great video with more info you can check out:
Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, Dinner Like a Pauper by Michael Greger MD FACLM:
For eating and training tactics that will enhance your performance, get my book, The Short Fight on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0948LNX5M
Get free lifetime access to my vast self-defense and exercise training video library by signing up here www.theshortfight.com
Until Next Time, Stay Healthy!
Lawrence Castanon