If you are like most folks, this is the worse time of year to be on a diet, or even practicing healthy eating, (I'm in the same boat too). With family and friends coming over for dinner parties, and going out to eat all kinds of foods, it's rough not to pig out. Plus, if you come from a culture where food is an integral part of family time, you have to eat. You can't insult grandma by not eating her food!
So here is a simple hack that will keep you from gaining weight, and satisfy the obligatory family-holiday meals:
Drink apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (you can also add it to foods) - Studies show it slows glucose uptake and helps with insulin sensitivity.
Fast until the big family-holiday meal - If you can't fast until that big meal, eat fruits and vegetables to help tie you over.
Eat only one meal a day - This will ensure you will stay near your daily caloric intake.
Move your body. Even if all you can do is walk after the meal, do some form of physical activity at some point throughout the day.
That's it! These simple hacks will keep you from gaining weight while still being social and enjoying your holiday meals.
Good luck! Let me know how it goes.
To learn more about how eating certain foods can promote your health and performance, get my book, The Short Fight, on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0948LNX5M Our members enjoy over 100 fitness and self-defense training videos, including discounts on live-online training at www.theshortfight.com Want to get in the best shape of your life? Check out my fitness training programs here https://www.theshortfight.com/fitness Stay Healthy, Lawrence Castanon Author, The Short Fight @theshortfight #diet #weightloss #hack #applecidervinegar #omad #fast #fasting #christmas #hanukkah #kwanza #holiday #holidays #eating #dessert #healthy #weight #fuel #macros #carbohydrates #fats #protein #diet #food #plants #animals #health #longevity #selfdefense #selfdefence #theshortfight